Professional Bird Removal
Bird Control
Birds, while seemingly innocent, are among the worst offenders when it comes to being a nuisance animal. In particular, pigeons, woodpeckers, and swallows are some of the worst nuisance birds, each for different reasons. Birds can spread disease and cause serious damage to homes, garages, and virtually any other building. Continue reading to learn more about these birds and how you can remove them for good.
Why are birds attracted to my property?
It might seem strange that birds would choose to live on your property in particular of all the places they could live. This is usually due to a couple of large factors that generally influence virtually every nuisance animal to live in certain areas. The largest attraction on most properties is the abundance of easy food sources. In some yards, depending on the bird, there is a large insect population, particular plants that they eat, or some other form of easy access to food. Many times, homeowners are surprised to see birds picking through unsecured trash or even their pet’s food they left out. Many birds are not picky eaters and will eat many commonly used foods and items in homes.
Another common reason that birds may be attracted to a particular property is the amount of shelter available. Yards where there are many large trees that can provide an excellent place for a bird to build a nest are often bird hotspots of any particular area. In addition, any outbuildings, homes, or garages with easy access points can also become bird hotspots very easily. If you have one or more of these situations going on, it is not a surprise that birds are on your property.
What problems do birds cause?
Everyone likes to think of birds as simple creatures that fly, eat, and raise their young. This is hardly the case, as they actually can cause large amounts of damage, as well as spread serious, potentially fatal diseases to humans and other animals. Among the most serious of their diseases they commonly are found carrying are leptospirosis, encephalitis, salmonella, and many more. Each of these diseases can potentially put humans in the hospital and can leave humans with health issues that can linger for years after being infected. The worst part about the diseases birds spread is that they are spread in inconspicuous ways that humans are often not able to detect. The most common transmission method for bird-borne illnesses is through their droppings and urine. Bird droppings are full of dozens of diseases that can put you, your family, and your pets at risk for serious health issues. In addition, many of these diseases can linger long after the droppings have disintegrated, meaning that no one would ever be able to tell if they were being exposed to illnesses in bird droppings. As can be seen, bird-related health issues can be pretty serious.
Beyond the health risks they cause, birds are also very hard on properties and can cause serious amounts of damage that can even potentially lead to the collapse of structures in buildings. The main reason for this is that the contents of bird droppings are very hard on metals and cause them to corrode at a much higher rate than they would naturally with no bird droppings present. After a long enough time period has elapsed the metal can weaken to the point of collapse, potentially causing serious repair bills and possible injury. In addition, birds often build nests in or near HVAC systems, and this can lead to some serious fire hazards if the nest catches fire. Finally, woodpeckers can cause serious damage to wood structures on homes, as well as the trees in yards. Many times, woodpeckers will bore holes right into your window or door frames, leading to the potential for rotting to occur. In the same way, many trees on your property can be damaged, as woodpecker holes can allow tree diseases to set in and potentially kill your trees. As can be seen, birds need to be removed as soon as possible due to their health problems, and the damage they cause.
How can I remove birds?
Nuisance birds on your property might seem like an easy enough fix, but there are actually many pieces of the puzzle that need to be considered prior to taking action. One of the most important things to be aware of is the potential you may have for legal trouble if you attempt to remove certain species of birds on your own. Another important fact about birds is that there may be a nest of baby birds located somewhere within your home. If you only get rid of the mother bird, the baby birds will die long, slow deaths that will end up causing terrible odors throughout your home. The main issue with homeowners trying to remove birds on their own is that it is very difficult to check all throughout your home for a nest of baby birds. In addition, attempting to remove birds on your own could lead to exposure to you and your family of one of the many bird-borne illnesses. Unless you are absolutely certain that there are no baby birds in your home, it is highly recommended to hire a professional wildlife removal service to get the birds out of your home.
Why hire Complete Wildlife Removal?
Here at Complete Wildlife Removal, we take bird removal very seriously. Our experts have years of experience in dealing with pigeons, woodpeckers, and swallows, as well as many other nuisance birds. Based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Complete Wildlife Removal not only provides bird removal services, but we also provide animal exclusion, animal damage repair, cleaning, sanitation, and insulation installation as well. Our experts have the skills and experience necessary to provide clients with the best possible customer service and attention to safety at the best possible price. If you are dealing with a pest control situation of any kind, be sure to give us a call as soon as possible here at Complete Wildlife Removal.

How to get the birds off the roof
We all enjoy the sweet song of birds. Other people observe their diversity, colors and some have created sanctuaries where large numbers of birds can come to nest, feed, and coexist, ideal for ornithology. But what happens when this species roosts in urban areas, and how could it affect the normal development of life as we know it?
Sometimes birds represent serious problems for communities, some species have become pests that affect health as they are transmitters of diseases and parasites.
They also can damage infrastructure, roofs, staining walls, and vehicles. Many people are affected. The fact that they perch, whether to nest, feed or shelter, already makes them annoying and undesirable.
Know the disadvantages of birds nesting on your roof.
We know that because of deforestation, and the way in which humans have invaded and devastated the natural habitat of birds, they reach urban areas and end up being a difficulty for people.
The disadvantages this brings are annoying and even harmful.
- They damage roofs, move roof tiles, and deteriorate gutters.
- They leave dirt in the gutters that obstruct the flow of water.
- Likewise, they stain walls with their feces.
- Furthermore, they cause various diseases, especially allergic and respiratory diseases caused by the parasites they carry in their feathers.
- Sometimes they disturb the hearing, especially in the mornings or at dusk.
Some techniques that serve to scare away birds
The primordial thing is to know the laws of the locality in which you live. In some states, it can be penalized to harm these species in any way, so be careful. Once you’ve informed yourself about the animal policies in your zone, you could use the following tips when disposing of birds:
- One solution to this problem may be to resort to visual repellents, the use of a fake, larger animal will help very well in some cases.
- Avoid leaving garbage nearby; a dead animal in the water trough could attract even larger scavenger birds.
- Dismantle nests and clean the places where they tend to arrive.
- Installing spikes on the roof or ledge helps to scare birds away.
- The use of methyl anthranilate is usually very effective since it causes an extremely unpleasant reaction that makes them move away completely.
- Eliminate any type of food source that allows them to nest on roofs and ledges.
Consider other alternatives to get rid of these birds once and for all:
- The use of a traditional scarecrow: the idea of a human on the roof will certainly scare them away.
- You can also use some anti-laying gel on the ceiling.
- You could use ultrasonic repellents too. The noise they produce is imperceptible to the human ear but annoying to birds.
- Netting and nets covering the areas where birds frequently roost work very well in some cases.
- Traps can also work, they are available in stores in various forms and help effectively to catch the birds without hurting them.
In addition, it should be taken into account that not taking preventive measures not only deteriorates your living place but also attracts more animals of the same species because they consider it a safe place to nest. If taken care of in time, it will not become a problem.
What for some is pleasant for others becomes chaos. Take into account these recommendations, and you will not suffer from this annoying and uncomfortable headache, avoid damages and even diseases.

How to Get Birds Out Of The Attic?
Birds are usually harmless outside, but they can become a problem if they get into your attic. When roosting in an attic, birds are capable of creating enormous messes. Birds also act as hosts to harmful microorganisms and parasites that are dangerous to us. No homeowner wants to have birds as tenants in their attic. And not only will you want to get the birds out of your attic, but you’ll also want to make some changes to ensure they stay out for good.
Signs of a bird problem
Birds in the attic are usually an obvious problem because they are easy to spot and very noisy. A tweeting or chirping noise in the attic is typically enough to indicate that birds have taken up residence in your home. Birds are also untidy, leaving nesting materials and a lot of droppings behind. Besides the unpleasant noises they make, birds in the attic are also a health concern because they carry ticks, fleas, lice, and their droppings contain pathogens. Some infectious diseases can be transmitted by inhaling spores from bird droppings. If there are birds in your attic, avoid going in there because any contact with bird droppings and nesting materials poses a health risk. In the event of a suspected bird problem, it is best to contact wildlife removal services as soon as possible.
Removing Birds from Attic
Unless you take action, birds will not leave your attic. In fact, birds can spend several months in an attic. There are laws protecting some bird species, so don’t try to get rid of them by killing them. The safest and most humane technique to get rid of birds from an attic is to use non-lethal traps. You can use a live trap with grains or poultry feed as bait to entice the bird into the trap, and once inside, they can be relocated and released outdoors. Poison or toxic gases should never be used to fight a bird invasion. This can be very messy, and you will have to clean up dead animals.
Another technique is to keep the birds out of the attic by using an exclusion device. Even without an exclusion device, you can get birds to fly away because they are very easily startled. Start by removing screens from the windows that are open. Use a loud noise or play loud music to frighten the birds into flying outside, look for nests, and if you find any take them outside. Also, look for any distinctive openings through which the birds may be coming in and seal them. Doing this will discourage the birds from continuing to roost in your attic.
Preventing them from coming back
Making certain changes to permanently keep birds out of your attic is the best way to completely solve this problem. First, you will need a thorough attic inspection to locate all the small holes and cracks and let birds in, next you will have to seal these holes to ensure that the birds do not find their way back into your attic. This is not an easy job because it requires some climbing and maintaining balance on the ladder for hours. If this is something you’re not familiar with, then it’s best to let the experts handle it.
All forms of pest and animal control involve a certain level of risk, which is why there are certified professionals for the job. Professional wildlife removal is generally more effective, and safer for you. Not only are our bird removal experts great at using trustworthy and fast bird removal tactics, they’re also knowledgeable about animal protection laws. If you have birds in your attic and want a quick, humane and legal bird removal, contact us today!