Professional Skunk Removal
Skunk Removal
Skunks are among the most unique critters in the United States. Their ability to spray a powerful, overpowering odor is a very useful capability for these creatures, as it keeps them safe. While they are unique, skunks can actually also cause serious damage to your property, as well as present a variety of diseases to humans and their pets. Continue reading to learn more about skunks and how you can get rid of them for good.
What damage do skunks cause?
Many people fear skunks spraying them, their family, or their pets. In all honesty, while the spray might be terrible smelling, it is not harmful. However, there are many other reasons to remove skunks. One of the most serious is their ability to carry rabies and many other diseases that can potentially cause serious health problems to you, your family, or your pets. On top of the disease potential, these critters can also cause property damage. As an animal that likes to burrow its own den, these critters generally choose to burrow right next to the foundations of decks, porches, homes, and other structures. This burrowing right next to foundations can actually weaken them to the point of collapse, which can be an expensive repair in some cases. As if the structural weakening was not enough, skunks can also damage many different plants in your garden and yard, as they love to root around for grubs and other insects. As can be seen, skunks are problem animals that need to be dealt with quickly.
How can I prevent skunks?
Since skunks pretty much can go anywhere they want, it can be hard to prevent them. If you are truly trying to keep skunks off of your yard and away from your home, consider installing a fence. This will bar them from accessing your property. Some other ways to prevent skunks would be to put away any garbage and pet food so they lack an easy food source. In addition, cleaning up your yard from the debris lying around can also discourage skunks from coming onto your property.
How can I get rid of skunks?
Getting rid of skunks can be challenging if they do not go into baited cage traps. Often, they are too smart to fall for cage traps. Since they carry so many diseases and can often be hard to catch, in addition to their ability to spray, many homeowners opt to hire a professional wildlife removal company to do the job for them.
Why hire Complete Wildlife Removal?
Here at Complete Wildlife Removal, our experts have years of experience in dealing with the removal of skunks, as well as many other animals. Not only do we offer excellent wildlife removal services, but we also offer animal exclusion, animal damage repair, cleaning, sanitation, and insulation installation services as well. Based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, our experts are always focused on the client, as well as the humane treatment of animals. If you have a nuisance wildlife problem of any kind, be sure to give us a call here at Complete Wildlife Removal, as we would love to help you out!

How To Keep Skunks Away
Seeing squirrels or rabbits in your yard? Not too jarring. Raccoons? Not most people’s favorite animal to find in their backyard, but not the worst. Skunks? Probably the least liked member of the wildlife family that homeowners can regularly find in their yard or space. Like many species of wildlife, skunks have the ability to carry disease or bacteria, so keeping them away from your home and the people that live within it is incredibly important for your health. To learn more about the importance of the skunk removal process visit Not to mention the stink part, right?
The most foolproof way to keep skunks and other animals out of your yard? Making your yard less attractive to them. How exactly do you make your yard less attractive to a skunk? Well, this is similar for a lot of wildlife that you may find lurking around your yard, so what you implement to keep skunks away will help keep a lot of unwanted wildlife away from your space.
Your yard and home are attractive for a few different reasons. Parts of your home or yard can provide shelter or warmth for the skunks. Make sure sheds are not being invaded and that the base of your home is well-sealed. They are also attracted to your space because it is an easy source of food and water. Make sure your trash is well-sealed. You can have trash bins that have heavy lids and are hard to lift or you can implement some sort of lock system. Either way, this is a super beneficial method of making your yard less attractive. Make sure fruit trees are well kept. Pick up any fruit that falls to the ground. Make sure any outside pet food or water is inaccessible or bring it inside to make sure animals do not use your pet’s kibble as their source of food.
If making your yard scarce in the food and water department hasn’t worked and you still occasionally spot a skunk or two around, animals are easily scared, so implementing pieces of technology into your yard that can startle them may help keep them at bay. Motion-sensor lights or lights that flash when something crosses the path may startle the skunks and help keep them away from your yard. Flashing lights can do the trick as well. Having an alarm system implemented with these motion sensors can also help as skunks are scared of loud noise as well.
If you are still noticing skunks in or around your yard or area, there are some repellents you can use to help keep them at bay. Placing towels or cotton balls soaked in ammonia or predator urine will keep them away from the space. Ammonia is found in urine and the smell can be unattractive to the animals. Especially if it is a predator’s urine. Soaking cotton balls or towels in citrus juices or scents can help and maybe be more pleasant to experience yourself.
If you find any holes around your yard or space after seeing a skunk around, they may be using it for their home. They could also be hiding under a shed or deck. Make sure there are no babies present in the area and then fill any hole or empty area with dirt so that they do not have a home in your yard to come back to.
If you are regularly seeing skunks in or around your space, we know it can be frightening. There is no need to worry. Complete Wildlife Removal has the knowledge and experience to help you with removal and prevention, no matter what portion of the process you find yourself in.